The CERAH series is a monthly health talk, indirectly forming a peer support system within the attendees regardless your status. The previous peer support group had been restructured and combined/added in various health benefit exercises/activities, Health research updates, health talks and peer support group, just in ONE session- make you feel more worth of effort to join the -the brand new session layout brought to you by KLASS + HERCULES ☀️

Community engagement and health research talk (CERAH)
Tentative schedule for year 2024

🗓️ Date: 2nd March 2024 (Saturday)
⏰Time : 1630 - 1800 (followed by CNY Dragon year potluck) **
🏬 Venue: KLASSroom
📊Topic: Anxiety and Quality of Mental Health among ageing people living with HIV (Speakers: Professional Counselor, Psychologist and Communities)
💡Everyone will facing anxiety when getting older, especially PLHIV might felt even more anxious due to multiple uncertainties - HIV condition/ medication, comorbidity, no successor, financial, dependency (mobility), medical, etc. How do they get prepared mentally and overcome this worries? The Professional and the those who experienced, then overcome the journey can share their tips.
📬You can voice out your concerns too!