Programme highlights

The Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society (KLASS) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2001 by allies from medical professionals, volunteers, private sector, affected communities and People Living with HIV. Main objective of KLASS is to provide a complete sexual health services in a community health care centre. We also provide treatment literacy for HIV, AIDS, Co-infections and Opportunity infections related to HIV/AIDS to community and paramedics.
The Registrar of Societies, Malaysia, recognized that: PERSATUAN PERKHIDMATAN SOKONGAN AIDS (KUALA LUMPUR AIDS SUPPORT SERVICES SOCIETY) as a society under Section 7 of the Societies Act 1966 and its registration number is PPM-002-14-23032001 on 23rd March 2001.
We are affiliated with the HIV umbrella body Malaysian AIDS Council and Malaysian AIDS Foundation.
HIV support services at KLASS are comprehensive across the care cascade, that includes community outreach, facilitation of HIV testing, linkages into treatment and care, individual and group peer support, treatment compliance activities, as well as a social safety net and temporary shelter for people undergoing HIV treatment.

Exco board members (2024-2026)
President: Mr Andrew Tan Tze Tho
V.President: Dr Chang Chung Yuan, Henry
Hon. Secretary: Mohamad Shahrani Mohamad Tamrin
Asst. Hon. Secretary: Davindren Tharmalingam
Exco (4) :
Meor Mohd Kamil @ Manis Chen
Reuben Kiew Sooi Fah
Berlin Lee Alwis
Wong Weng Yew, Daniel